Howdy folks, and welcome back to a short sightings blog this week. Just the bare bones maps this time. Next week I'll get more photos in.

So, what has been about?

As you can see, the starling murmuration is sort of on. Though they have not quite got their timings together and still come in as several groups. Some nights they don't even murmurate but dive straight into the reeds. Worth a punt to see though.

Sorry, no map for Wednesday

The black guillemot (or tystie, if you prefer the Scottish name) is pretty rare for Lincolnshire. I think this is the 12th ever. Shows the walk down to the river mouth is sometimes worth it!

Apparently the guillemot was also still out there at the river mouth

Reedbed, freshwater scrapes, saltmarsh and wet meadow. Frampton Marsh has it all! Come and pay us a visit soon.