No, I haven't been having a sneaky tipple before opening up the Visitor Centre..and my binoculars are not broken either...
You may have heard that a black-winged stilt which arrived at Frampton Marsh a couple of weeks ago has been hanging around, giving great views to visitors.
You may also have heard that last night he scooted off; a leggy white dot receeding into the distance.
Well he's back! And he's brought a friend!
We suspect they're a Mr and Mrs from the slightly browner back on the new-comer, but why not come down this bank holiday weekend and take a look for yourself?
We've also had a great skua causing havoc on the wet grassland, a drake scaup in the reedbed pool and a female hen harrier hunting over head (what a lot of Hs).
Which would you rather; catch up on spring cleaning or spend a fantastic day at south Lincolnshire's premier RSPB reserve? I know which I'll choose!