Howdy folks!

Last Saturday saw the inaugural camera trapping event at the reserve. How did it go? I will let Paige tell you...


Hello everyone! I am Paige, the Conservation intern at the reserve. We have recently put together a new event at the reserve called ‘Introduction to Camera Traps’. The event first ran on Saturday and was fully booked with six attendees. Since it was the first event of its kind, we were keen to get feedback from the people attending the event. All of the comments that came back were brilliant and provided great constructive criticism. Thanks to this we can tweak the course and make it even better for next time. 

The event was based around using camera trapping to record wildlife. After a background presentation it included gaining practical skills in how to set-up a camera trap, and how to observe footage and record data. It also included a short fieldcraft walk finding signs of wildlife, with some examples of natural tracks, trails and signs of animal activity. This event is great for anyone wanting to learn how to use camera traps to record the wildlife in their garden or local nature spot. Due to the level of interest in the event we are holding another on 29 February. If you are interested and are considering coming along, maybe some of the feedback comments will help make up your mind:

‘Well qualified course leader with excellent knowledge.’

‘Pitched just right, not too basic.’

‘Good balance of theory and practical.’

‘Field craft walk was interesting too.’

‘Very informative, pleasant and easy to understand.’ 

If you have any questions or queries about the event, please feel free to email me See below a still shot from some of the lovely footage taken by one of the course attendees:

Reedbed, freshwater scrapes, saltmarsh and wet meadow. Frampton Marsh has it all! Come and pay us a visit soon.