The conversation went something like this.....
Me (speaking from Frampton office): "Hi Graham, how are you?"
Graham (RSPB Reserve Ecologist based in Bedfordshire): "Oh so you've phoned up to gloat then have you?"
Me: " about?"
Graham: "Being the first RSPB reserve to have a stilt this year?"
Me: "What!....where?"
Graham: "It's been on all the pagers for the past couple of hours"
Me: "Really?....You're kidding, no-one has mentioned anything..."
Sure enough there was a black-winged stilt on the reserve. They really are superb looking birds, with such incredibly long pink legs they almost look 'made up'. Hopefully it will hang around for a while for visitors to pop into the visitors centre to ask for the latest news.....
John (always last to know) Site Manager
No sign by 14:45 today though :(