Eagle-eyed visitors to the reserve may have noticed a new face amongst the staff here at the reserves. That would be Annie, our latest residential volunteer. Let's see what she has to say...

Hello everyone!

I’m thrilled to be joining the team for six months as a practical conservation and visitor experience intern. Having just been at Frampton Marsh two weeks, I can already see what a special place it is. It’s been very eye-opening to see just how much goes into running a reserve and creating such an amazing habitat for all manner of creatures. It’s incredible to have otters, owls, waders and waterfowl all on the doorstep.

I’ve been working in a Reception classroom for six months which was great but I’m now looking forward to swapping the maths curriculum for some outdoor learning (both for any families at the visitor centre, but also for myself!) I’m an enthusiastic newbie to the birdwatching world so if you see me around any tip-offs of what you’ve seen and where to look for it will always be appreciated.

I look forward to meeting you all out on the reserve!


Reedbed, freshwater scrapes, saltmarsh and wet meadow. Frampton Marsh has it all! Come and pay us a visit soon.