Eleven "dancing walkers" (or is that "walking dancers"?) joined Mark on a calm, warm and eventually sunny evening on the cliffs. Before we started I was told that they really, really wanted to see Puffins - so no pressure!!

We talked about the impact of the winter on the birds - the wreck of Puffins in the early Spring, and whether this would impact breeding numbers significantly. The entrance to the reserve still looks bleached, probably from salt spray in the winter, but further south the flowers are in full bloom.

We looked at Razorbills and Guillemots, the telescope allowing very close views so that everyone could appreciate the differences in colour of the birds.

At Henry's Scorth one then 2 Puffins flew in and perched so we could get close scope views. Although no jigs were danced, everyone was delighted! Moving on, photographing cliff top Razorbills, we stopped to admire Fulmars, with their strange "tube-noses", again the scope coming in handy.

At the shelter, I did a quick scan, then left the group to count the Puffins, while I collected a few eggs from the shelter. When I returned I was told there were 2, 5 or 6 Puffins - not bad from the 7 I had counted.

Kittewake, Guillemot and Razorbill eggs were demonstrated. There are always two reactions from the sight of the auk eggs - men tend to laugh while women have a sharp intake of breath at the size compared to the size of the bird!

After 2 hours we wandered back to the car park. Everyone had a great time and fantastic sightings at the sea bird city.

This is officially my last guided walk of the season, but please continue visiting and enjoying the cliffs during the summer.

