Just a quick summary of what has been seen today:-

Several lucky people saw a bittern fly across the mere and drop into the reeds next to the meadow by Reedbed Hide at 4pm.

A merlin has been seen outside the reserve recently, and was hunting over the reserve briefly this afternoon. A juvenile peregrine has also been seen this week.

I saw a grey wagtail flying over, and c20 pied wagtails roosted in reeds by the mere.

The starlings have dwindled to c200 that arrive in small flocks and drop straight in to the reeds, rather than circling around like we want them to.

Two bearded tits were heard by the mere this morning; probably the same birds that have been here all month.

There are still hundreds of lapwings and golden plovers in the field opposite the reserve entrance.

 Fallow deer can be heard rutting in several places.