Our nature reserves are special places that support a host of wildlife. We’re only able to carry out our valuable work through the generous support of people like you. To help us continue our vital conservation work, we will be introducing new charges for visitors to Fowlmere, starting from June 2018.

A car park machine has been installed and a £2 charge will apply to non-RSPB members. This charge includes parking and entry, use of all visitor facilities including RSPB trails, hides, viewing structures, portaloo and the picnic area.

RSPB members – entry remains FREE, please collect your free member’s ticket and leave this with your membership card on the dashboard.

Non RSPB members – please purchase your ticket and display on the dashboard.


If you would like to join RSPB and help support our work in managing RSPB Fowlmere for wildlife and people, our team of weekend volunteers would be very pleased to help you join us.

Thank you for your support and enjoy your visit.

  • I have noticed that the RSPB seem to be slowly introducing car park charging with pay and display for non-members at more RSPB reserves where there are no visitor centres or reception for individual admission charges for non-members and I do think this is a very good idea.



  • I have noticed that the RSPB seem to be slowly introducing car park charging with pay and display for non-members at more RSPB reserves where there are no visitor centres or reception for individual admission charges for non-members and I do think this is a very good idea.



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