In an attempt to show that the reserve is not totally devoid of birds, I've compiled a list of species seen by several observers who went round this morning before the rain arrived at 10.30. Most of these were seen by Ade Cooper in about two hours.

Grey heron     Teal     Mallard     Common buzzard     Water rail     Moorhen     Black-headed gull     Common gull     Lesser black-backed gull     Stock dove     Woodpigeon     Collared dove     Barn owl     Kingfisher   Green woodpecker     Wren     Dunnock     Robin     Blackbird     Fieldfare     Song thrush     Goldcrest     Long-tailed tit     Blue tit     Great tit     Treecreeper     Magpie     Jackdaw     Rook     Carrion crow     Starling     Chaffinch     Greenfinch     Goldfinch     Bullfinch     Reed bunting     (36 species)

Regular visitors will see that the list doesn't include several species that have been seen in the last week or two, such as Sparrowhawk, Kestrel, Pheasant, Grey partridge, Jay, Great spotted woodpecker, Skylark, Meadow pipit, Redwing, Siskin, Cetti's warbler, Yellowhammer, Corn bunting.

Just a bit further afield, I saw an adult Yellow-legged gull near the airfield yesterday, and there was a chiffchaff in my garden in Fowlmere this morning.

So, the birds are out there...

Happy New Year!