Despite the title of the blog, last Sunday started early and icy in Forsinard. After a bit of a drive and dodging a couple of rain showers I found myself, along with our three residential volunteers (Mark, Martin and Will), in Gordon Memorial Hall in Rosemarkie on the Black Isle. Why you might ask...because it was World Wetland Day!

Blanket bog might not be what you would normally consider to be a “wetland” in the sense of mudflats or salt marsh and many of the other displays in the hall talked about RSPB coastal reserves. However the Forsinard reserve is a VERY wet location (as the volunteers can testify!) and therefore we felt justified in being there.

Boosting bogs
At Forsinard we are managing the blanket bog for special flora and fauna, including waders and water birds. We are looking after existing bog, while restoring areas of drained bog by blocking hill drains. We are also converting forestry back to blanket bog by removing conifer plantations.

Working with water
We are working to enhance the reserve’s pools for the benefit of waterfowl, including black-throated diver and common scoter, as well as plants, fish and invertebrates. Work includes reinstating water levels and improving water quality.

So Sunday was an opportunity to talk about the Forsinard reserve to a wider audiance and to have some fun. The children (and several adults) got involved in environmental games and learned a bit about the amazing wetlands that we have in the north of Scotland. We hope that all our visitors had a fun and exciting day, the staff and volunteers definately had a great time. Watch out for more events in the north of Scotland soon!

RSPB Staff & Volunteers along with our friends from Whale & Dolphin Conservation Society (WDCS) at Gordon Memorial Hall for World Wetlands Day.

If you love nature, enjoy it with us! | Find more information on events and facilities at RSPB Forsinard Flows by visiting