Do you enjoy our blogs, reading our observations, exploits and musings from the bog?  Have you ever wondered what it would be like to work and live in such a wild, remote and dramatic area of Scotland? 

If you have answered yes to these questions, then read on...

We have one remaining vacancy for a residential volunteer for this winter at Forsinard and you could be the person to fill it! Over the past couple of months, you have been able to read blogs written by some of our current and past volunteers, Will, Paul and Sergio.  A winter volunteer placement at Forsinard gives you the opportunity to learn, experience and contribute a lot to the reserve. You have the opportunity to learn more about the habitats, ecology, hydrology and management of the reserve.  This takes the form of surveying and monitoring species and habitats, as well essential reserve work such as drain blocking and tree regeneration control.

This post starts in mid August, enabling you to witness the bog with its plants at their most lush and the invertebrates at their most ferocious, and watch as the colours and species change with the seasons.

So...if you have a passion for all things peaty, don’t mind getting damp now and again, and are keen to know more about this opportunity please contact either ourselves at the reserve ( or the Residential Volunteering department.

You never know, it could be you writing a blog from the bog in six months...