With an improvement in the weather (some of the time anyway!) we are starting to see the return of our breeding wildlife at Forsinard Flows. Birds such as Golden Plover, skylarks and Hen Harrier are back in the area for the summer as well as many of the other peatland inhabitants like common lizard and red deer.
Our Visitor Centre, located in the old railway building by the level crossing, is open 7 days a week (0900-1700). Both nature trails (Dubh Lochains Trail & Forsinain Trail) as well as the Flows Viewing Tower are open at all times.
Visitors should be equipped and prepared for extreme changes in conditions at all times of year if venturing out on any of the nature trails. The Forsinain Trail in particular can be very wet and uneven under foot. The weather and temperature in the car park will probably not be the weather and temperature you experience at the viewing tower or on the hill.
We welcome visitors who exercise their access rights responsibly, however we would ask that you respect the following:
Gates - If you find a gate is closed please leave it closed, if it is open leave it open
Dogs and farm animals:
Dogs and ground nesting birds:
During the breeding season (usually April-July) keep your dog on a short lead or close at heel in areas such as moorland, forests, grasslands, loch shores and the sea shore to avoid disturbing birds that nest on or near the ground
Dogs in recreation areas and public places:
Avoid causing concern to others by keeping your dog close at heel or on a short lead
Dog waste:
Pick up and remove your dog's faeces if it defecates in a public open place
Take away all your litter. Take particular care not to drop things like bottles, cans or plastic bags as these can damage machinery and if eaten by a farm animal or a wild animal they can cause severe injury or death.
Find out more by visiting www.outdooraccess-scotland.scot
We look forward to meeting our visitors and hope that you have a memorable visit to the amazing Flow Country! - Reserve Team