Well it's that time of year again, just when we think winter is over and we mention the word "spring" and it promptly snows or similar. Regardless of the weather, however, our reserve visitor centre is once again open from 09:00 until 17:00 daily, so if you would like to learn more about the flows and what we do then please come and visit.

Guided Walks & 4x4 Safari's

Our regular guided walks will begin from the first week in May when our Community & Information Officer starts and will be on a Monday and Tuesday this year. We also hope to offer some guided walks at weekends during the summer and also 4x4 safari's on the last Sunday of every month (May-August). The latest information on times and costs for these events will be up on the reserve page  www.rspb.org.uk/forsinard in the next week or two so keep your eye on it and we'll remind you when the details are up.

Wildlife Watching @ Loch Fleet

If you live anywhere near Loch Fleet or are passing on the A9 on Wednesday 10th April we will be attending an event organised by Scottish Natural Heritage. All the details you should need to find us are on the poster below. We hope to see some of you out looking for wildife with us...!