Well, I’m going to go out on a limb and say that spring is in the air.  Any subsequent arctic conditions, flash flooding or similar drastic acts of nature are therefore my fault!

 On the reserve we have seen the arrival of workmen to carry out some maintenance work on our visitor centre and other buildings, ready for when we open at the start of April.  “That’s ages away!” I hear you all cry, but time really does fly and we have lots to do in preparation for the new season.

 We have seen Raven on the reserve starting to pair up and becoming increasingly territorial, there has been a flock of approximately 35 Fieldfare hanging around the fields at Forsinain and we have heard calling Golden Plover...a sure sign that spring is here/on it’s way/imminent (delete as appropriate!).

<<Just click on the birds above to find out a bit more about them! >>

Below are a couple of photos from the reserve this week...I was originally going to call this blog "Will Power"...the reason will soon become clear!

Will surveying the damage to one of the access gates

And a temporary repair swiftly carried out! (Will is a very useful volunteer to have around!!)

A nice secure waymarker now in place near the start of the Forsinain Trail