Fantastic funding news from EOCA

I’m delighted to be able to bring you an exciting update on the public vote for European Outdoor Conservation Association funding we took part in earlier this year. As you may recall we asked for your support to help us secure funding from EOCA for our peatland restoration project and you did not disappoint, voting in for it in your thousands to result in the vote ending with us in second place. Unfortunately, only the project with the highest amount of votes in each category received funding and so we were not successful.

However, unbeknownst to us all was not lost. Projects that hadn’t been successful in the public vote were then put forward to a vote by EOCA members to decide which of them they would like to see receive funding. And here’s the great news - our peatland restoration project secured the support of EOCA members to receive the almost €30,000 funding we had been in the running for with the public vote!

Needless to say we’re over the moon about being able to take forward this important piece of work in the Flow Country, and would like to say a huge thank you to the EOCA members for supporting it. RSPB Scotland would also like to thank Mountain Equipment who nominated our project for funding, and of course a huge thank you to everyone who voted for us in the public vote which can’t have failed to impress EOCA by showing how much support our project has with you all.

We’re looking forward to making a start restoring this 3.64 hectares to back to blanket bog. It’s a long term process but one that’s vital to tackling the impact of climate change, as well as providing a home for the amazing array of wildlife and plants found here in the Flow Country. Thank you!