Apologies for taking so long to get a new blog up, but hold onto your hats as we have a couple for you over the next week or two. Firstly from our Assistant Warden Claire on building homes for our wee feathered friends...

"The Wild North festival has been taking place across the north of Scotland over the past four weeks, from Assynt in the west to John O’Groats in the east, and not forgetting Forsinard and all those in between. The festival has been a diverse celebration of all things ‘wild in the north’ – from singing and story telling, to weaving and sheep dog trials, art to wind surfing, and the RSPB here at Forsinard have got involved too.

Although almost all the birds that I can think of that breed here at Forsinard nest on the ground, that does not mean we have lost touch with our tree dwelling feathered friends! We still know how to make a bird box kit or two (or three, or four ...or more)! We went out to several events in Tongue, Strathnaver, Borgie, Portskerra, and the festival finale in John O’Groats, where we helped children (and adults!) to make our boxes, which they then decorated with the help of local artists. We had some amazing carpenters and artists – especially one wee girl who was only 3 and yet built her box from scratch with very little help, and a little boy called Harry who helped his mum to paint their box even though he was less than a year old (finger painting is a much under-rated style!)

Several of our short and long term volunteers helped Paul and myself at these events, and so thanks must go to Carol, Dan Snowden, Dan Mason and Isolde, as well as Michelle, Sally- Ann, Jennifer and Paul Exley who helped to make the kits. I think any injuries we incurred at the events have more or less healed now, and hopefully some of the boxes will be used by breeding birds next spring, if they appreciate the varied and unique colour schemes!

The festival and several schools also visited the reserve itself, on 3rd October. Pupils from Helmsdale, Kinbrace and Melvich primary schools were able to let their artistic talents flow, with inspiration from the landscape at Forsinard, as they took part in activities with a local musician and an artist using natural materials. A good time was had by all, and the rain did nothing to dampen their spirits, although unfortunately the same could not be said for the paper and paintings!"

Volunteers Dan Mason and Isolde checking that the kits fit together prior to an event...


Volunteer Dan Snowdon expertly building a box at Strathnaver Hall

Mind your fingers!!

Now...what colour do birds like these days?