It’s frustrating for everyone, including the RSPB themselves that many of the RSPB reserves remain closed, or partly closed through the summer when that’s the time people want to visit the most!
The organisation is still working out ways get sites open again to visitors in some capacity in a way that everyone can remain as safe as possible.
You can find out which reserves you can visit and when on this link which is regularly updated as the situation keeps evolving so do check back from time to time as there could be more opening as time goes on.
ITV news ran a story on the re-opening of Minsmere which you can now visit every day whilst following the government safety guidelines on social distancing, face coverings and hand cleansing.
You can type in any reserve into the search bar on the find a nature reserve site to see what the current visiting status is.
Unfortunately, our Flatford Wildlife Garden still remains closed to visitors as the volunteer teams still work on some essential maintenance in the garden… at a distance of course. We’re not sure exactly when we will be able to re-open but as soon as know, details will be posted here on the blog as well as the Flatford Garden home page.
In the meantime, we hope that you will continue to follow the RSPB reserves and conservation work online and there are lots of fun, nature inspired activities you can try with the kids too before they go back to school.
We hope that you can make the most of your natural surroundings and the nature within it until our reserves are able to fully open again.