Starting this Saturday 28th Nov is the Uk's National Tree Week; a celebration and appreciation of British Trees and a drive to get planting through the winter season.
English Oak: Oliver Smart (
It began in 1975 as an incentive to replant British trees after the devastation of Dutch Elm Disease.
Trees give us so much joy; to sit beneath, to sit on, to study, admire... their size, lifecycle, age and beauty command our awe and respect and they literally provide oxygen for us to breathe. The tree people have come up with 22 benefits of trees! Many of us have a favourite tree and use them as land marks when navigating our way on familiar drives or walks. We love to watch them change with the seasons and walk amongst them and even hug them! It's almost as if everyone loves trees, and you can't say that about many things.
Trees are a topical example of something that we may now be showing a little more interest in as they are around us and available during these restricted times through the pandemic. If you're looking for some help identifying trees, the Woodland Trust have lots of tree ID information online and Gardener's World show clear details for the top ten most common native trees. If you'd like to cross reference when you're out and about or like to flick through pages at home, the RSPB shop offers the comprehensive and clearly illustrated Collins pocket British Tree Guide as well as What's that tree? filled with bold, clear photos.
Winter is tree planting time and if it's time to think about something new for your own garden, the RSPB also suggests the best trees for the garden when considering garden wildlife and the Royal Horticultural Society also have their ideas on Trees for smaller gardens. To get your chosen tree off to the best start, you might like some tree planting advice from the Woodland Trust or the RHS.
Whether you'd like to grow a tree, learn more about them, or simply admire the majesty of trees, national tree week is a good time to embrace them further.
The Flatford Wildlife Garden is now closed for the rest of the winter season 2020 /2021. Details of re-opening in 2021 will be posted on this blog and the Flatford Wildlife Garden Website.