This Saturday and Sunday are your chance to contribute to the official Big Garden Birdwatch - and a great opportunity to observe the birds in your garden, park, or other open space. It's also a great time to come down to Flatford Wildlife Garden and get involved.
We had great fun last weekend and hope to encourage and inspire even more people this week, with activities including a family-friendly bird trail, badge-making, owl-pelleting, and bird-food craft. We'll also have telescopes on hand to give you a really close look at the birds of the garden and staff to explain exactly what you're seeing.
We're open 10am - 3pm both days and we hope to see you there.
More information on the RSPB Flatford Wildlife Garden can be found here. The Flatford Wildlife Garden is situated adjacent to the National Trust's Bridge Cottage and is an excellent location for a day out in the countryside.
(Photograph Credit: Liz Cutting)