Volunteers clearing an island to increase reedbed growth for Bittern - Henry Cook

Whilst out working around the reserve, it's quite common for curious visitors to approach us with questions about how we manage this expansive site and how many staff members are responsible for its upkeep. Their reactions are typically a mix of surprise and appreciation when we say that only two of us are entrusted with the on-site care and maintenance of this sprawling, almost 400-hectare reserve, complete with an extensive network of around 16 kilometres of pathways. It's at this point that we can take the opportunity to extol our unsung heroes without whom we would not be able to cope – our extraordinary team of volunteers, upon whose dedication we heavily rely.

These outstanding individuals play a pivotal role in ensuring the smooth functioning of our reserve. Whether they're walking the trails to pick up litter, inspecting infrastructure for signs of wear and tear, running events to engage the community, extending warm welcomes to visitors in the car park, conducting breeding bird and biodiversity surveys, or undertaking crucial habitat and infrastructure management work, it's safe to say there is virtually no aspect of our operations in which volunteers aren't deeply embedded and we simply could not manage without them. in 2023 we have logged over 3000 volunteer hours across the various roles.

Our volunteer force is as diverse as the reserve habitats they help protect. Spanning a wide range of ages, from enthusiastic teenagers to experienced octogenarians, they represent an eclectic mix of backgrounds and interests. Some among them are keen birders and nature enthusiasts, while others simply relish the opportunity to spend a few hours outdoors either alone or with other like-minded people. What unites them all is a passion for our reserve, a shared eagerness to be actively involved and an invaluable commitment to its sustained management and success.

 If you would like more information about the volunteering opportunities here at Fen Drayton Lakes, please get in touch.

Wednesday Wander

Ever thought you’d like to know more about the reserve and its wildlife? Volunteer-led guided walks take place once a month, usually on the second Wednesday.

To see further details and book, please visit:



Email: fendraytonlakes@rspb.org.uk

Phone: 01954 233260

Henry Cook
Assistant Warden – Fen Drayton Lakes