Wood Sandpiper on Ferry - Richard Thomas
April remained largely cold, windy and wet but that didn't stop the birds arriving or the birders going out to find them! With lots of effort 128 species were recorded on the reserve during the month with some really exciting discoveries of unusual species and of breeding birds. One of the highlights of the month was undoubtedly the return of a Nightingale, right at the month's end but in time to make it into this update. It was belting out its song from the big oak area north of the car park and delighted visitors who heard it. Water levels remained high on the river but started to draw down on the grasslands on the reserve making conditions perfect for passage waders and ducks. With this influx, Bar-tailed Godwits were seen amongst the Black-tailed Godwits and a good range of other species including Wood Sandpiper at the tail end of the month. An Arctic Tern passage late in the month peaked at 36 birds on Ferry, a great sight inland. Elsewhere during the month the following were seen:
Other wildlife included: Orange tip, Speckled Wood and other common butterflies during brief sunny spells, Otter out on the water and a good record of Forget-me-not Sheildbug, last reported on the reserve in 2017.
Henry Cook Assistant Warden – Fen Drayton Lakes