Well, I said the freezing conditions would produce bittern sightings! This morning's 4 turned into a definite 6, and there could be more - possibly as many as 8. The best place to look was from the slipway at Drayton Lagoon, where at least 5 were seen, this afternoon, standing in the open along the north shore and flying to and from the island and the small patch of reeds beside the slipway. At the same time, 1 was showing at Holywell Lake. This morning's birds from Oxholme Lake were not seen again, but could still be there.
Also at Drayton Lagoon, there were 2 drake and 1 redhead goosander and 2 redhead smew. The drake smew was still on Swavesey Lake, but no sign of the redhead there. The long-tailed duck was still on Ferry Lagoon.
Water rails showed at Oxholme Lake, Holywell Lake and Drayton Lagoon. As with many of the other skulking birds, these are often best seen during periods of extreme conditions, such as the current freeze-up or small flood events.
Other species noted today included siskin, kingfisher and black-tailed godwit.