A few weeks ago I was going about the usual chore of mowing the lawn at home, it’s a fair size and takes a while to cut not to mention the petrol, noise and my time. Just before I started I noticed the number of bees going about their business on the clover and self heal, this is when I had my eureka moment! Why am I doing this? I don’t use the lawn for anything; why not leave it for the birds and wildlife. So I decided to mow a path to the shed and around the edges and see what happens. Lots more wildlife is the answer, more bees and insects, more birds and less work for me!
It really is easy to give nature a home in your garden, just leave a small patch un-mowed, although varying heights of grass is even better.
Simple things like not using chemicals in your garden, creating homes for bugs and insects and making a pond are other ways to make your garden more wildlife friendly. For more ways to improve your garden for wildlife have a look at the RSPB website for inspiration and some great ideas.
www.rspb.org.uk/advice/gardening/ or http://homes.rspb.org.uk/
They are packed with ideas to inspire you.
So go on, give it a try, and give nature a home in your own backyard.