The snow had been relentless this week but it has not stopped some amazing sightings of birds around the reserve. After almost a week of continuous snow fall the weather is starting to draw the more elusive species out of hiding.

Water Rails have been seen every day this week and the majority of reports have come from Cut Lane. They have also been seen at the feeding platform near the centre and at the Kingfisher Screen.

The most exciting news this week is the arrival of Long-eard Owls to the reserve. They have returned to the same place as the year before last and there are a total of 4 so far. They can be found near Lin Dike end of the reserve, but for more precise directions you will need to come in to the Visitor Centre where a member of staff will be able to help.

Today has seen a Barn Owl hunting and roosting in the field near the Visitor Centre which has been truly amazing to watch. The harsh weather is putting extra pressure on these birds to hunt during the day, as it becomes harder to find there food source and the day light hours become shorter.

Someone was lucky enough to stumble across a Woodcock on Thursday. As they were heading towards the Kingfisher Screen it appeared on the foot path right in front of them.

There are still good numbers of Redwings and Fieldfares and they can be seen all around the reserve. Look in the hedgerows and bushes where they will be feeding on the last of the berries.

So as you can see, snow or no snow, you never know what you will find out and about so keep your eyes pealed.