Sightings Blog- RSPB Fairburn Ings

Summer continued into the start of August with sunny days and temperatures in the mid-20s.

Large numbers of Gadwall (Spoonbill Flash) and Coot (Main Bay) signalled post-breeding gatherings. Hidden amongst the Gadwall, an unseasonal Wigeon was spotted by one of Fairburn’s experienced birders. A few Red-Crested Pochard, along with numerous other wildfowl and waders were spooked by 2 juvenile Marsh Harriers. On the same day a Ruddy Shelduck was seen from Bob Dickens’ hide.

Two Black Terns were seen on Main Bay on the 12 August. What was presumably the same bird seen at several locations in the area, a Caspian Tern was photographed from Lin Dike hide on the 16 August.

August is a time where the is an increase in the variety of waders, as many are on migration. Mainly seen on the flashes, from Lin Dike hide, sightings during the month included Lapwing, Greenshank, Green Sandpiper, Common Sandpiper, Snipe, Dunlin, Ruff, Black Tailed Godwit.

Hirundine and Swifts are approaching migration, and many (including 4 Swifts) were seen on the flashes, being attracted by the insects around the grazing cattle.

Spoonbills, probably having completed breeding for this year, remain on the reserve, with a fantastic count of 15 from Lin Dike Hide on one occasion.

Cattle Egret remained very active and entertaining. Find the cattle on the flashes and you should find up to 9/10 in attendance.

Towards the end of the month, Chiff Chaff burst into song again. This happens every year, but I have no reason why!

Volunteers Jane Mawson and Mary Sharp led a very well attended flower walk. 47 species were noted, the star species Devils bit Scabious was discovered on the Heath. The full list can be found below.

Other bird sightings in the month included:

Two Kingfisher (Charlie’s Hide) – on one occasion a volunteer ranger witnessed one being pursued by a Sparrowhawk!

Marsh Harrier (Flashes)

Osprey (Flashes)

Hobby chasing House Martins (Roy Taylor Trail)

Great White Egret (Flashes)

Spoonbills (from Lin Dike hide)

Garganey (Flashes)

Willow Tit (Pickup Hide)

Whinchat (Flashes)

Wheatear (Flashes)

Whitethroat (Pickup Hide)

Lesser Whitethroat (Pickup Hide)

Wildflower walk sightings:

Chicory; Burdock; St john’s Wort; Great Willowherb; White Deadnettle; Himalayan Balsam; Devil’s Bit Scabious; Yellow Wort; Galls -Robin’s pincushion; Black Knapweed; Common Ragwort; Meadowsweet; Spindle; Stinging Nettle; Herb Robert; Yarrow; Meadow Cranesbill; Red Clover; Oak Knopper Gall; Green Alkanet; Nipplewort; Upright Hedge Parsley; Greater Knapweed; Wild Angelica; Tufted Vetch; Ling Heather; Rosa Rugosa; Yellow Melilot; Hedge Bedstraw; Field Scabious; Rosebay Willowherb; Musk Mallow; Purple Loostrife; Birdsfoot Trefoil; Great Burnet; Lady’s Bedstraw; White Meliot; Wild Carrot; Teasel; Red Campion; Bindweed; Figwort; Oxeye Daisy; Centaury.



Written by: G. Royston
