After the weekend's successful litter pick, Gavin - St. Aidan's Community Engagament Officer has shared a blog with us!

This was our second Community Litter pick at St. Aidan’s and once again we were well supported by local folk. It’s fantastic to meet so many people who care about the site. It is this support that helps keep St. Aidan’s looking wonderful. It’s also vital work to help protect the habitats for wildlife. We all know the problems that plastic can cause.

I must admit I was a bit nervous the night before the pick. The wind was howling, the trees were swaying and my polythene greenhouse sounded like it was ready to take off and fly to Oz. However, there was no need to worry. Sunday morning, the sun was shining, the air was crisp, all was well. (And I remembered the clocks had gone back, an extra hour in bed!)

Off we went along The Lines at the back of the arable fields above Lowther Lake.

Time for a bag change….

One of our fantastic families, thank you so much for helping out. They picked along the Old Haul Road, up to Shan House Bridge, across the Causeway and all the way back to the visitor centre. That was a long walk and a job well done.

30 bags of rubbish!

Thirty people joined the pick so that was a full bag for each person! Thanks again everyone for a great day’s litter-picking.

Hoping for the next litter pick to be this December, stay tuned!