Reed bunting sightings have exploded this week, there is at least one pair that has been regularly seen at the wildlife garden feeders, and we’ve had some lovely views of them from the office windows!

Male reed bunting, Andy Hay (

Each week we get one or two recorded sightings of roe deer on the Riverbank trail and up on the Coal Tips, they’re always a lovely sight, even if all you see is a little white tail bounding away.

Kingfisher sighting have also rocketed at the kingfisher screen, there was even a sighting with two kingfishers sat together on Sunday. A very lucky spot!

The two red-headed smew have been around all week on the flashes and there continue to be regular peregrine and marsh harrier sightings.

Red-breasted merganser, Paul Chesterfield (

A couple of notable sightings include six whooper swans overhead and a red-breasted merganser down at Lin Dike.

Please do keep your ears open when you next visit as the air is beginning to fill with birdsong. Willow tits have been singing around the visitor centre these past couple of weeks, there is a very noisy song thrush somewhere nearby, and a great spotted woodpecker was heard drumming on the Discovery trail very recently.