Despite the biting cold and the fact that it is very much winter here at Fairburn Ings, wildlife sightings have not failed to disappoint

Andy Hay (rspb-images)

There have been a few sightings of vagrant birds, including a white fronted goose.

Ben Hall (rspb-images)

If you’re not so sure what a vagrant bird is (don't worry, I had no idea 'til yesterday morning), it’s a bird that strays far outside its expected breeding, wintering or migrating range.

Also a vagrant bird, a great white egret has made its home for the past week or so on the moat, and has been very visible to many lucky visitors – it’s especially exciting because it’s the only reliable sighting in Yorkshire at the moment.

Ian Hay (rspb-images)

...and there’s more! On Sunday 1st of January, a hen harrier was spotted flying overhead.

You may have heard a thing or two about a rather audacious water rail, who’s been making frequent appearances just in front of the kingfisher screen. Normally a secretive bird, he’s been creeping from nearby shrubs to feed and then scampering back undercover.

Mike Richards (rspb-images)

Bearded tits are once again on Coal Tips Trail and you can still spot a redhead smew having a swim about on the Main Bay – fab.

Ben Hall (rspb-images)

From this weekend Fairburn begins its build up for the Big Garden Birdwatch. When you come into the visitor centre, you can enjoy the BGBW Lounge, which has been especially set up for all so you can brush up on your bird ID skills, in time for the big event. Willow tits are one of the fastest declining birds within the UK and Fairburn is lucky enough to have 8 breeding pairs – who take full advantage of the feeders in the bird garden daily – come along and see if you can spot one :) 


(Eleanor Bentall rspb-images)