Well the sighting of the week, it has to be said, was the snow. I love it when it snows at Fairburn, it’s like the reserve holds its breath. The hustle and bustle slows and looking out across main bay, or taking a stroll down to Pickup feels more indulgent , like it’s somehow more precious.  I have to stop and let myself be in awe for a moment, because all too soon I know it will turn to drizzle and slush.

Snowy Fairburn, Sally Granger

The four smew are still here, one male and three red-heads. They have continued to shift around the reserve on a daily basis and have been seen at Lin Dike, Main Bay, Village bay, the Moat and the Coal Tips.  If I didn’t know better I would say there was mischief afoot!

Notable sightings this week include two flocks of pink-footed geese flying over the reserve.  Roughly 150 over the Visitor Centre on Monday, and 60 odd on Sunday. Sunday also saw 14 whooper swans over the flashes.

Adult kittiwake, Grahame Madge (rspb-images.com)

A couple of star sightings go to a green sandpiper on the Riverside trail at the weekend, and an adult kittiwake on Main Bay late Wednesday afternoon. It’s not unusual to see the odd kittiwake at Fairburn this time of year, particularly given the strong winds we have had. Do let us know if you spot one!

Otherwise, breeding season seems to be well underway, despite the fact we are barely into March. The warden team have been hard at work cleaning, repairing and replacing nearly 100 nest boxes across the reserve and there is a already a great deal of activity. If you have nest boxes in your garden, it seems the window for cleaning them out is rapidly closing. Bring on the spring!