Signs of spring are popping up around the reserve, hawthorn has already been spotted coming into flower, and this week we had our first snowdrop sighting in the grass by the visitor centre. Skylarks have been seen on the stacks and around the Lin Dike link a few times, and they have also been heard singing, while both herons and tree sparrows have been seen carrying nesting material. We are go!

First snowdrops, Sally Granger

With the Big Garden Birdwatch taking place this weekend there are just a few more days left of the Lounge, flocks of long-tailed tits have been very a very common sight, as have bullfinches and the odd willow tit! We’d love as many people as possible to get involved in the Birdwatch, it only takes an hour to do.  All the details can be found here

Charlie’s hide has been busy with snipe this week, there were 6 spotted there yesterday and the kingfisher has made several appearances. Aside from the Kingfisher screen, Cut Lane is generally the best place to spot a kingfisher if that is the mission you have set yourself. Keep an ear out for that distinctive ‘peep peep’.

Water rail slinking at the water's edge, Mike Richards (

The red-headed smew was still flitting about on the weekend and shifted between Main Bay and Hickson’s flash, but there have been no further reported sightings since then. And the red-crested pochard that’s been around for more than a month now has been up on the moat again, joined by what appears to be some kind of gadwell/wigeon hybrid.

The marsh harrier has been very busy, with sightings nearly every day from either Lin Dike or Pick-up hide, and there has been a short-eared owl up near Big Hole again. Finally, and perhaps most strangely, a water rail has been hanging around down by the duck feeding platform...hoping for a snack perhaps?