Fairburn may have been flooded but the wildlife doesn't seem to be too bothered! The recent sightings book is as full as ever and there is plenty to see. 

The flashes were busy with 70+ curlew and 30+ goldeneye on New Years Day, and more than 100 golden plover were seen over this week.

It’s also been a busy week for birds of prey with peregrine and marsh harrier over Lin Dike, a red kite, sparrowhawk and a very busy kestrel  over the Visitor Centre, and a short-eared owl up over the stacks.

Red kite, image Ben Hall (rspb-images.com)

The Big Garden Birdwatch lounge is back in the Visitor Centre and the feeding station is once again up on the balcony. We’ve already had willow tits at the feeders so do pop in to relax on the sofa and watch the birds up close.  

Even better, we’re currently offering a free hot drink with any purchase in the shop until the end of January, why not enjoy it in the lounge?

Nuthatch, image Nigel Blake (rspb-images.com)

Our two ringed nuthatches are visiting the feeders very regularly, however we have had an unconfirmed sighting of a third, unringed bird. If you spot an unringed nuthatch around the Visitor Centre we would LOVE to know.

Red-crested pochard, image Ben Hall (rspb-images.com)

One of our star sightings has been the red-crested pochard.  It has been up on the Moat for a good couple of weeks now.  It is slightly larger than a pochard with and orangy-brown head and red beak.

We’ve also had a bittern heard booming near the Moat, they’re not the biggest booms yet but seem to be building up ready for the main event nearer to breeding season. As usual please do let us know what you spot.