It's been quite a corker of a week for sightings this week; particularly for raptors.  We've had up to four marsh harrier, at least three red kites, buzzards, a fairly regular hobby, and peregrine, plus kestrel and a little owl! Lots of people have spotted an osprey (I have missed them every time, and everyone who has seen it, has enjoyed rubbing it in!)

Osprey thanks to Chris Gomersall (

Waders at Lin Dike and on the flashes have been nicely varied too with black tailed godwit, greenshank, common sandpiper, green sandpiper, ruff and up to 10 snipe.

Water rail have been a good addition to the sightings list with sightings of them daily on the flashes - they're notoriously shy and skulking birds so take your chance to see them now while they're being a bit more flamboyant and showing off!

Water rail thanks to Mike Richards (

Hawkmoth caterpillars have been active this week with Andy, our Assistant Warden, spotting this eyed hawkmoth caterpillar whilst out doing some scrub clearance on the reserve.  Skelton Grange Environment Centre came to visit on their team day out, and spotted an elephant hawkmoth caterpillar creeping across the Discovery Trail footpath too.  It was in the last stages of being a caterpillar (the colours change when they get close to pupating) so we think it might have been looking for somewhere to bury itself under ground and pupate for the winter.