
I’m Sally, the new visitor intern.  What a whirlwind – two days ago I was lurking beneath the trees of a woodland reserve in the depths of the midlands. Now, here I am back in Yorkshire at last. Phew.

Fairburn Ings - David Wootton

I’ll be here for the next six months and suffice to say, I’m pretty excited. This is one of my favourite times of year and I’m ready to absorb as much as I can. I’ll admit now that my natural history knowledge has some fairly hefty gaps in it, but with autumn and winter on the horizon and a whole new habitat to learn and explore, I have no doubt that I can make a start on rectifying the situation. This blog will more than likely track my adventures in learning over the coming months (fair warning).

All jokes aside, one of the best things I have found about the RSPB is that it isn’t a place to be nervous of lacking knowledge, it is the complete opposite. The RSPB is full of passionate people who just want to share what they know and inspire as many people as possible to want to enjoy and care for it.  If you’re interested, get involved!

Rahul Thanki

Having only made it around half of Fairburn so far, I can’t speak definitively, but I’m almost completely certain that I’m going to love it.  I already love how open it is and the massive variety of life here. I’m sure you already know better than I how awesome it is, and if you don’t then I heartily encourage you to find out (and tell me why you think so).

Fairburn Ings - Andy Hay

Don’t hesitate! Don your boots, this is the perfect time of year to wrap yourself up against the lazy wind and get outside. The first leaves are beginning to turn and there is a strange lull of anticipation before the influx of winter visitors.

I’ll see you out there.

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