Sadly, this is going to be my final blog post as a Visitor Experience Intern at Fairburn Ings. I’m moving on to pastures new to start an actual grown up job in Leeds. I’ve had such as great time here and met some fantastic people, and I can’t quite believe it’s ending. Fairburn is only a quick trip over the M62 for me though, so I’m sure I’ll be back for a visit when I have a craving for some open space.

Here’s a quick rundown of my top 5 Fairburn moments:

  1. Manning the social media accounts and writing this blog!
  2. Watching for bank voles on mammal cam
  3. Listening for the sound of long tailed tits, and watching for nuthatches on the feeders around the visitor centre
  4. Taking a long walk from Fairburn village to Castleford, going through the reserve and along the canal. I’m really glad I took the opportunity to do that before the days starting getting shorter.
  5. The never ending supply of tea and cake!

Here are some of the more blurry pictures I’ve taken that never quite made it onto the social media accounts!

Walking around the Discovery trail with buckets of seed certainly catches the attention of the resident robins. All the way along I kept seeing flashes of red as they hopped alongside me in the bushes.

Great spotted woodpeckers were always a nice spot, this one was taken at the feeder screen.

One of my many attempts to get a good cobweb picture. Getting my phone to focus on the web and not the grass was no easy task.

And last but not least, this little guy. I spent far too long trying to get an artistic angle with my phone for this one.

Have a very merry Christmas and a happy new year everyone! See you around!

- Laura