Cupid has been hard at work this weekend and since 'tis the season, several of the staff here on the reserve have decided to share just what it is about Fairburn they love so much. Here is our Retail Manager, Dawn:

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Fairburn changes a little bit every day. I love the difference between bright sunny days and dark moody days; and between the seasons. The colours in autumn are some of the most beautiful I have ever seen, and a lovely spring day brings a smile to my face with all the catkins and buds. I have been fortunate over the last couple of months to see some really amazing mornings, where the sunrise has given off incredible colours which make the trees and the water look even more gorgeous!!

Fairburn from above, David Morris

I have worked at Fairburn over five years now, and have been lucky to see lots of wildlife over that time. My favourite thing is to sit on the balcony and watch the birds coming to the wildlife garden feeders; I saw my first bullfinch while doing exactly that!

Pond dipping at Fairburn, Jesper Mattias (

The other thing that I love is the people that visit the reserve, I get so much out of chatting to visitors who have never been before and come back excited to have seen something new or done something different. The atmosphere is brilliant, everyone is so lovely and that makes it a wonderful place to work.

The team trying out new binoculars, Kate Struthers