So it had to happen eventually, and even though I got to stay an extra three weeks, after seven months it’s now time to say goodbye to Fairburn and the RSPB internship. I have learned so much, seen so much, worked with loads of different people and am very sad to have to go.

I first became fond of the place when I visited for a pesticide course in spring last year. On my way in I walked along the riverside trail, I saw swallows, heard willow warblers and saw and heard my very first blackcap. I was really looking forward to working here.

Since being here I have seen my first green woodpeckers, willow tits and a number of other species normally only see once in a while. There are always tree sparrows around and I’ve often seen nuthatches, bullfinches, stoats, roe deer and long tailed tits. Nowhere else have I ever seen so many owls, short-eared owls, tawnys and my my very first little owl and long-eared owl. 

One of the things I have really enjoyed here is the fantastic variety of work to get stuck in with; footpath repairs, building fishing pegs, clearing and spraying islands for the breeding season, chainsawing, brushcutting, cleaning and repairing nest boxes, wetland bird surveys and much much more.  

What I will miss most are the lovely people who work here. I am very grateful to everyone who has been very friendly and welcoming, helping me settle very quickly into a new place where I don’t know anyone. There has been so much good humour, hard work and support. So a big thank you to everyone who has made this an enjoyable experience and very difficult to leave!