How quickly the past six months have come around! I have absolutely loved my time here at Fairburn Ings, and my experience at the reserve has been amazing. I have learned so much from the team, and am completely humbled by their dedication, enthusiasm, and passion for their work. If you’re thinking of pursuing a career in conservation, I would recommend the internship as a great way to kick start your career.


I have met so many interesting characters along the way, and the support I have been given has been outstanding.  I started my internship with very little experience and confidence in myself; feeling embarrassed about my lack of knowledge and bird ID skills. However due to the kind and supportive nature of the team, I was able to learn, grow and develop, discovering my own strengths and value.  I now carry a confidence in myself, and truly believe I have the ability to make a real contribution to nature conservation. Thank you so much to everyone at Fairburn who has made this journey so wonderful; your kindness will be something that I carry with me for a long time.


Bon voyage!