A bit of wind, a bit of drizzle and lots of colours...I cracked out the bobble hat this weekend, which makes me very happy. Autumn is here!

Redwing numbers are building and more than 500 migrated over Fairburn yesterday, plus 40 fieldfare. Redwings are one of my favourite birds and I saw my first of the autumn when I was setting out the Halloween props in the Discovery trail this weekend, I disturbed a flock in the bushes near Pickup hide and sent them skywards. 

Female linnet, Andy Hay (rspb-images.com)

Now the fields across the road have been cut finches are moving in to feed on the stubble - late last week in Newfield, opposite the car park, there were 50 linnet, 2 yellowhammer and a white wagtail in amongst a group of 25 pied wagtails.

Pied wagtail, Andy Hay (rspb-images.com)

The flashes is a banquet of beauties as usual with 12 curlew, 2 water rail and several reports of marsh harrier and red kite. Across the road at Cedric's the Cetti's is still around too.

Charlie's hide is always a lovely spot and out among the many, many shoveler are a few goosander, goldeneye and pintail. At the weekend there was a pair of red-crested pochard out on Village Bay, but they haven't been seen since, it's always nice to have a dose of flamboyance drop in though!

Ben Hall (rspb-images.com)

Big hole has seen a dunlin and several snipe this week with 3 whoopers over on Friday and a raven over the Coal Tips nearby.

Chris Gomersall (rspb-images.com)

If you're sticking to the Discovery trail keep an eye out for roe deer, one was spotted at Pickup and I spooked one in fen as I crossed the main boardwalk this week. Redpoll have also started moving into the alder trees and the kingfisher has been seen regularly at the screen recently.