We’re currently in that summer lull for birds at RSPB Fairburn Ings, with some birds starting to head home for the winter, like swifts, and others have not yet arrived for the winter. However, there’s still plenty to see! Juvenile birds are starting to get their adult feathers, like the robins who are now starting to develop their red breasts, and painted Ladies, a migrant butterfly, have been seen on the reserve. Keep an eye out for them nectaring on the wildflowers!
Sightings at RSPB Fairburn Ings recently include:
Report your sightings:
We love hearing about what you spot around the reserve so feel free to come in and tell us or add to the sightings book on site.
Otherwise, you can post your sightings online:
Twitter: @RSPBAireValley
Facebook: @RSPBFairburnIngsAndStAidans
We hope to see you in the Aire Valley soon!
little egret, Matt Milkinson (Rspb-images.com)
peregrine falcon, Katie Nethercoat (Rspb-images.com)