Today, we have suspended pond dipping at the reserve.  This is because over the last 24 hours, a visible patch of algae has appeared at one of the pond dipping platforms.  The water at the pond dipping areas was originally tested and given the all clear but this bit of algae has appeared now.  As blue green algae is present elsewhere on site, we have decided to halt pond dipping as a precaution.


At Fairburn Ings we take visitor safety seriously so we will not be offering pond dipping as an activity on the reserve until the algae has sufficiently cleared.


However, we will be offering Wildlife Explorer backpacks at the same price as pond dipping, whilst pond dipping is suspended! So for £2, and free to RSPB members, you can borrow these kits below and explore and discover all the creatures that live on land at Fairburn Ings!


Just on this one leaf we spotted today, we have butterfly eggs and beetles!


And this mining bee was spotted on the treehouse - you really can find wildlife everywhere!


For more information, please contact the visitor centre on 01977 628191 or  For more information about blue green algae please contact Scott Higgins at Leeds City Council Environmental Health on 0113 395 1168.