The days are getting longer and the weather is, slowly but surely, warming up! That can only mean one thing…. SPRING is right around the corner! Many of our Winter visitors, such as Fieldfares and Redwings, will now be preparing to soon head home. Take a walk around the Aire Valley to see some of the signs of spring for yourself!
The top ten sightings at RSPB Fairburn Ings recently have been:
Our star species this week is the fieldfare! These large, eye-catching thrushes are on the UK Birds of Conservation Concern Red List with only 0-1 breeding pairs. They’re predominantly wintering birds within the UK therefore they’ll soon be returning to Russia and Scandinavia. While in the UK, they can often be seen intermixing with flocks of redwings in fields and woodlands. Check out our previous blog to discover more about fieldfares and redwings.
Here is a more extensive list of the sightings:
The top ten sightings at RSPB St Aidan’s recently have been:
Our star species this week is the bittern! During the Spring, male bitterns can be heard from up to three miles away making a loud booming call. They will begin to boom as early as January to establish territories and attract mates therefore listen out for booming bitterns the next time you are walking around the Aire Valley.
When you’re out and about at RSPB Fairburn Ings and RSPB St Aidan’s, do let us know what you spot. You can do this by writing in the sightings book in the visitor centre and Little Owl Cafe, or by letting us know on social media!
Happy spotting!
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