Aire Valley sightings blog- 30 April 2023

Spring has sprung in the Aire Valley, with wildflowers blooming, butterflies emerging and summer visitors, such as wheatear and swallows being spotted.

The top ten sightings recently at RSPB Fairburn Ings have been:

  1. Spoonbill
  2. Sedge warbler
  3. Sand martin
  4. Green sandpiper
  5. Arctic tern
  6. Willow tit
  7. Bar-tailed godwit
  8. Yellow wagtail
  9. Bearded tit
  10. Raven

Our star species at RSPB Fairburn Ings this week is the raven, which is the biggest member of the crow family. It can be identified by its wedge-shaped tail.

Here is a more extensive list of the sightings:

  • Birds: Bearded tit, chaffinch, blue tit, goldfinch, long-tailed tit, robin, reed bunting, chiffchaff, sedge warbler, sand martin, arctic tern, common tern, willow tit, little gull, yellow wagtail, green woodpecker, skylark, raven, house martin, wheatear, yellowhammer, willow warbler and blackcap
  • Waders/waterfowl: Green sandpiper, pink-footed goose, bar-tailed godwit, black-necked grebe, little egret, whooper swan, avocet, oystercatcher, redshank and little ringed plover
  • Birds of prey: Marsh harrier, red kite, buzzard, peregrine falcon and kestrel

 The top ten sightings at RSPB St Aidan's recently have been:

  1. Wheatear
  2. Whinchat
  3. Black-tailed godwit
  4. Spoonbill
  5. Redstart
  6. Common scoter
  7. Whimbrel
  8. Stoat
  9. Yellow wagtail
  10. Ringed plover

Our star species this week is the whimbrel. This is a red listed bird, similar in appearance to the curlew, which only breeds in North Scotland.

Here is a more extensive list of the sightings:

  •  Birds: Goldfinch, reed bunting, chiffchaff, whinchat, wheatear, black redstart, yellow wagtail, swift, sand martin, little gull, bearded tit, raven, grasshopper warbler and willow tit 
  • Waders/waterfowl: Ringed plover, spoonbill, whimbrel, common scoter, black-tailed godwit, common sandpiper, black-necked grebe, garganey, sanderling, dunlin, arctic tern, bar-tailed godwit, greenshank, pink-footed goose, little ringed plover 
  • Birds of prey: Little owl, buzzard and marsh harrier 
  • Mammals: Stoat
  • Butterflies: Orange tip

When you're out and about at our reserves, do let us know what you spot. You can do this by writing in the sightings book in the visitor centres, or by telling us on social media! Happy spotting!

