Over on Powderham marshes we are getting close to completeing the step refurbishment into the viewing platform field, putting up the handrails is proving more tricky than thought! Inside the predator exclusion fence some of the lapwing  are sitting on nests and we now have several proud Lapwing parents on the reserve. As you may be aware, we have a feeding station on the Powderham side, predominantly for the  Cirl Bunting s, and Phill, one of our full time residential volunteers decided to erect a trail cam within the feeder itself. With some fantastic results.

Male Cirl Bunting in full summer plumage, Courtesy of Phill Catton

 And a rather beautiful Reed Bunting with two of his harem, Courtesy of Phill Catton

 On the Exminster side we have just undertaken our first butterfly survey of the year with a few species noted along the transect down Turf path. These were Orange Tip, Peacock and Small White. We have also started the weed wiping on the reserve to enable us to stay on top of , and control the spread of the Soft Rush and the Tufted Hair Grass on the reserve. The cattle, which Phill mentioned last week don’t tend to graze these down because they’re more un palatable.

At Labrador Bay, we have been continuing to control the ragwort with both spot spraying and pulling of the plants. This is an ongoing task undertaken by our full time volunteers and our Thursday work parties alike.