After bad storms over the winter, Bowling Green Marsh viewing platform has been closed for maintenance to be carried out on the sea wall. With a lot of hard work from all those involved with the repair work, and particularly from Exeter City Council the sea wall has been fixed. Which meant it was time for us to step in and get the viewing platform ready for its re-opening. It’s amazing how overgrown things can get in a few months. When we turned up, it was hard to see there was a viewing platform, let alone see the estuary. After some time cutting back the overgrown grass and removing all the weeds that grew through the platform things where starting to take shape. Once everything looked ready all that we had left to do was to change the signs from winter to summer. A few nuts and bolts later, we were there. Time to tell the office “it’s ready”. Which means bowling green viewing platform is now “open for business” once more. It just happened that on the day we were there to do the work, we arrived at high tide at the hide to re-fill leaflets and fill the bird feeders and a quick peek out the window gave us good views of spotted redshank and a grey plover. Then we moved down to the viewing screen to start work. As the tide went out, lots of waders and gulls came into view and the odd cormorant fishing in front of us. What a wonderful day.


With a week of good weather, lots of odd jobs where achieved on the marsh. Routine maintenance had us replacing gate posts and wings, removing a fallen tree, cutting the grass in the car park, butterfly surveys and popping up signs for the guided walk at Labrador Bay (Saturday 26th July 9.30am, meet in the council car park, walk is free for RSPB members £3 for non-members). And of course, the cows are always interested in whatever you’re doing. Why not take some time out to pop down to the marshes and have a walk around for yourself.


Advanced warning of Bowling green marsh closure.

From 21st July to 31st August, we’ll be working to improve the facilities at Bowling Green Marsh. We’ll be making the existing hide more accessible while adding a new structure that will open up even more views of this wonderful reserve. Please follow our progress on facebook: once we’re finished, we’ll also be creating a wild nature garden and we’d love you to be involved. Please contact us.