Well it’s the end of my penultimate week here at the exe estuary and like so many of my blogs, I’m sat in my room on the Thursday night writing away. I like to sit here, camera by my side with my walls plastered in wildlife pictures and reflect on the week I’ve just had. However this time I can’t help but think about the last six months instead. Scrolling through my photo’s I’ve been reminded of how special my time has been here at the Exe and just how many new things I’ve Exe-perienced (sorry for the pun, I just couldn’t help myself) I’ve had my first time on a quad, herding cattle, using petrol strimmers and getting shocked by an electric fence. Not all at once of course! Not to mention all my nature firsts like cirl buntings, grass snakes, green sandpipers, moth trapping, hobbys, butterfly surveys, newt in the hand, slow worm and so on. I’ve even caught up with some old friends, made some new and met lots of other weird and wonderful people along the way. Mostly wonderful I’m glad to say. With the help and support of Pete and Tom (the guys in charge here) I really feel like I’ve managed to make a difference while I’ve been on the reserve. I’ve enjoyed writing these blogs and I hope you’ve enjoyed reading them, my camera has stayed in my bag the whole time so I could get some pictures to give you an idea of what we’ve been doing. On that note I would just like to mention the lovely meadow pipits here as I really wanted to use this picture as not only I was pleased with it, but it also summed up why I’m here. This often overlooked bird hides in the fields. It’s kept me company on so many days and always gives me the energy to carry on with whatever task I’m undertaking as the work we do gives birds like the meadow pipit and other nature alike, a place to call home. I’ve been a member of the RSPB for as long as I can remember. From “for birds for people forever” to “stepping up for nature” and now “giving nature a home” and that’s pretty much how it’s gone for me. It’s been birds forever in my heart, so a few years ago I stepped up for nature and ran a Peregrine “date with nature” and now here I’ve been giving nature a home by working on a reserve. Although I can’t wait for my next adventure with nature, I’ll always remember my time here, as Exminster marsh is where fantastic memories are made.