Hi everybody!

How’s it going? Hope everything is fine!

This week we have carried out two different bird surveys. Monday it was the turn of our monthly High Tide bird counts. On our reserves are still plenty of wetland birds, with the presence of two Egyptian geese on Goosemoor.

Tuesday we conducted a farmland bird survey on Powderham Marshes. Of note were the presence of a big flock of about 75 Chaffinches and 12 – 15 Cirl Buntings. This means that our management work to protect species at risk of extinction in the UK is working quite well.


Wednesday we have been spending all day in Labrador Bay reserve where we have started scrub clearance in one field. This management is carried out to improve the habitat for Cirl Bunting. Labrador Bay is one of the most important places in the South-West England for Cirl Bunting, so these activities are important for the conservation of this species in the UK.


Thursday, together with our usually work party, we have carried on the Hedge laying at Powderham Marshes started last week. This is a traditional way to maintenance a hedge in the UK and it is a good management because produce an ideal habitat for nesting birds. Probably, we will be able to finish it off next week.


Finally, we have done our weekly test to check the proper operation of our electric fences.


That’s all from me for now. See you soon!


Ezechiele Squarcina