If you were dropped into the middle of the exe estuary reserve to put up some gates, cut some grass and work on a viewing platform, you could well think you’re not going to see much wildlife. The first thing you notice is lots of fields with not much in but cows. But after only a few seconds you hear a robin singing, then a clouded yellow butterfly flies past and a yellow wagtail flits through the air. And that’s when you start to realise just how much is out here. To start off with while herding the cattle around you notice they’re not all the same. We have several breeds including the local Devon reds and some Galloways which originate in Scotland! Even when you’re busy working you can’t help noticing a whole list of wildlife. In fact over the last week I’ve seen; magpies, kingfishers, frogs, stone chats, pheasant, green sandpiper, long tailed tits, grass snakes, blackbirds, buzzards, herons, goldfinches, slow worm, meadow pipits, swifts, kestrel, cormorants, caterpillar, hobbys, ravens, voles, great spotted woodpecker, little egrets, chiffchaffs and enough starling to make a mini murmeration! And that’s just to name a few and I haven’t even mentioned all the types of plants and flowers there are. It’s fantastic to get right into the middle of natures home and just watch and listen to the spectacular show it puts on. So no matter how hot it is and how deep the whole you might be digging needs to be, there is always something to put a smile on your face as you look around. There is nothing quite like seeing nature around you as you work hard to protect it.

After many side tracks we found some time this week to get on up to the viewing platform at Powderham marsh. Where we spent many hours cutting wood, toping up gravel and removing temporary benches. So long story short I’m excited to tell you that the all new oak viewing platform with interpretation board is fully complete and open for all. This project has taken many hours to complete with lots of hard work and dedication from all of us on the reserve. It hasn’t been easy as there is only a small group of us working here and many urgent jobs have kept creeping in to interrupt us. So thanks for all your patience and I hope you’ll enjoy using it for many years to come.