Have you got some spare time this weekend? Then head down to Exminster marsh. Park in the car park or chain your bike to one of the groovy lapwing bike stands, lace up you best walking boots and head off down the turf path. Before you even leave the car park you’ll have a wonderful chance to hear one of our resident Cetti’s warblers burst into song. As you head down the path keep an eye out for some of our beautiful butterflies like the speckled wood or peacock. If you’re lucky you may even see a Broad-bodied chaser Dragonfly, if not there is usually lots of damselflies to watch. Like flowers? You’ll love the yellow flag irises which have bloomed all over the marsh. These spectacular and vibrant native flowers almost look magical as they gleam in the sunlight. Yellow flag irises are so impressive that they still look great on a drab and rainy morning. Which is lucky as it was drab and rainy when I took this photo.

As you walk down the path, keep an eye out for the nesting swan in the reeds, or maybe you’ll see her with some cygnets as she has been there a while now. Watch this space. On the bird front, lesser white throat are still showing well along the turf path and so are both reed and sedge warblers. Watch out for lapwings flying over head performing there amazing song flights as they tumble and roll with their giant puffy wings as they sing there almost synthesized song.

Now this is the part you’ll have all been waiting to reach. The discovery area. Have a picnic packed as this is a great place to chill in the breeze and just relax. The discovery area contains a myriad of learning opportunities for those young and old. The viewing screen is superb with a pair of binoculars giving great views over our new predator exclusion fence. After that you can head over to the pond dipping platform to find all that’s wet and slimy. If you dare you could even head over to one of the corrugated sheets of metal and peep underneath to see if there is a snake basking in the warmth beneath. At the far end is a massive bug hotel to give inspiration for a more modest one you could build at home to encourage these spectacular mini beasts into your garden. If you’re not already tingling with excitement at this point, then keep an eye on the heaps of hay for the odd lizard making itself at home.

Then for the return journey to the car park, keep you eyes peeled for any gems you haven’t picked already. Like the reed bunting. A beautiful bird which hides behind a plain song. Then it’s off home for a lovely cup of tea and a biscuit as you reflect over your wonderful time spent at Exminster marsh.