For me the day started just like any other. Overcast with a chill to the air. After preparing the tools we needed we set of for bowling green where we had to check a few items. One of which was to check the people counters. Tom (reserve assistant) picked something out of one of the people counter boxes and brought it over to me. He placed it in my hand. A newt. Tiny and lifeless it laid there with its eyes closed, so cold it could have come out of a fridge. It laid motionless for so long I started to wonder if it was even alive. I looked back at the newt before I said anything and realised its tiny eyes had opened and it was watching me. Slowly the heat from my hand had warmed the newt and it slowly became animated. Then it started getting slightly too animated for something so small balancing on the palm of my hand, so we placed it down and let it scamper off. The look on this tiny creatures face still makes me smile as I’m writing this almost seven days later. This amazing encounter has made me wish I had been pond dipping as a child as it’s an experience no toy or computer game can give and far more fun and enjoyable too. I know the saying is a bird in the hand, but I thought it appropriate for newts too. So if any of you have never tried pond dipping or know anyone who hasn’t pond dipped, I urge you to get out there and try it for yourselves this summer. You won’t regret it.


As we’re on the topic of pond dipping. One of this week’s tasks with the Thursday volunteer party was some routine maintenance on our very own exminster marsh pond dipping platform. So there’s no better time to give pond dipping a go. The other work we undertook was to alter the new predator fence line, expanding the boundary further as the winter water has drained allowing more space for any lapwings to roam with their fledged young who have been spotted on this side. All in all a good days work.


Chapel wood is a wonderful woodland just past Barnstaple which falls under our care. The wood is a beautiful area for bird watching, a picnic and a walk around a mystic ruined chapel surrounded by springs and small brooks. Just right for paddling on a hot day. Again routine maintenance takes us there as we had to turn a style into a gate and remove an old bench. Even with some hard work like this, Chapel wood is still an amazing place to be. So if you’re ever in the area or adventurous enough to head up there just for it, Chapel wood is truly worth a visit.