• A Sighting of all the Wildlife spotted at Dungeness reserve 14/12-23/12

    Birds of Prey

    • Buzzard
    • Marsh Harrier-Dengemarsh, ARC, Burrowes Pit  
    • Sparrowhawk - Burrowes pit  
    • Kestrel
    • Merlin-Firth Lookout area   


    • Whooper Swan
    • Mute Swan 
    • Green Winged Teal 
    • Goldeneye
    • Canada Geese
    • Egyptian Geese
    • White-fronted Geese
    • Wigeon
    • Great Crested Grebes
    • Little Grebe
    • Greylag Geese
    • Teal
    • Mallard
    • Shoveler
    • Pintail
    • Gadwell
    • Pochard
    • Tufted 


    • Grey Herons
    • Little Egrets
    • Great White Egrets
    • Bittern- Dengemarsh…
  • Lydden Valley updates:

    Lydden Valley

    November has been a really great month here at Lydden. Not only have we finished work on the WEG-funded Wetland Restoration project, we have really been able to see the reserve starting to come into its own with a good dose of rainfall starting to fill up the site nicely.

    It’s really satisfying to see the results of all the hard work that has gone on at the site, particularly in the last few years, and we…

  • Update On The Current Reserve Work

    Reserve Work

    The wet weather hasn’t stopped the team this month. Water levels have come up an astonishing 55cm on Burrowes Pit in a very short space of time. This has played merry hell with the track and in spite of repairs in November, further repair works will be undertaken in December.

    The have now paused the island clearance work on Burrowes Pit having cleared a good 50% of the islands of vegetation. With wintering…

  • Here is a sightings list of all the wildlife spotted at Dungeness reserve between 6/12-13/12:

    Birds of Prey

    • Buzzard
    • Marsh Harrier-Dengemarsh, ARC, Burrowes Pit  
    • Sparrowhawk - Burrowes pit  
    • Kestrel
    • Barn Owl
    • Merlin-Firth Lookout area 
    • Hen Harrier- Hanson Hide  


    • Whooper Swan
    • Green Winged Teal 
    • Goldeneye
    • Canada Geese
    • Egyptian Geese
    • White-fronted Geese
    • Wigeon
    • Great Crested Grebes
    • Greylag Geese
    • Brent Geese
    • Teal
    • Mallard
    • Shoveler
    • Pintail
    • Gadwell
    • Goosander


    • Grey Herons
    • Cattle Egrets 
    • Little Egr…
  • Here is a sightings list of all the wildlife spotted at Dungeness reserve between 25/11-06/12:

    Birds of Prey

    • Buzzard
    • Marsh Harrier-Dengemarsh, ARC, Burrowes Pit  
    • Sparrowhawk - Burrowes pit  
    • Kestrel
    • Merlin-Firth Lookout area  


    • Pintail 
    • Green Winged Teal 
    • Golden eye
    • Egyptian Geese
    • Goosander
    • Pochard Duck
    • Greater White-fronted
    • Wigeon
    • Shoveller
    • Tufted Duck
    • Gadwell
    • Great - Crested Grebes
    • Little Grebes 
    • Greylag Geese
    • Mute Swan


    • Grey Herons
    • Cattle Egrets 
    • Great White Egrets
    • Little Egrets 
    • Bittern- Dengemarsh…
  • Sightings list on RSPB Dungeness between 3/11-24/11

    Here is a sightings list of all the wildlife spotted at Dungeness reserve between 3/11/-24/11:

    Birds of Prey 
    • Buzzard
    • Marsh Harrier-Dengemarsh, ARC, Burrowes Pit  
    • Sparrowhawk - Burrowes pit  
    • Kestral
    • Merlin-Firth Lookout area  
    • Peregrine Falcon - Firth Lookout
    • Barn Owl   
    • Pintail 
    • Teal 
    • Wigeon
    • Goldeneye
    • Shoveller
    • Tufted 
    • Gadwell
    • Great - Crested Grebes
    • Little Grebes 
    • Greylag Geese
    • Canda Geese  
    • Grey …
  • Sightings list on RSPB Dungeness between 3/11-24/11

    Here is a sightings list of all the wildlife spotted at Dungeness reserve between 3/11/-24/11:

    Birds of Prey 
    • Buzzard
    • Marsh Harrier-Dengemarsh, ARC, Burrowes Pit  
    • Sparrowhawk - Burrowes pit  
    • Kestral
    • Merlin-Firth Lookout area  
    • Peregrine Falcon - Firth Lookout
    • Barn Owl   
    • Pintail 
    • Teal 
    • Wigeon
    • Goldeneye
    • Shoveller
    • Tufted 
    • Gadwell
    • Great - Crested Grebes
    • Little Grebes 
    • Greylag Geese
    • Canda Geese  
    • Grey …
  • Completed island habitat creation will benefit birds and people at RSPB Dungeness

    New island habitat creation at the RSPB’s Dungeness Nature Reserve in Kent is set to transform the area for birds and people with two projects completed this year.

    As part of this conservation work, seven islands located near Hanson Hide, ARC have been raised to varying heights and four new islands were created from scratch on Burrowes Pit to provide nesting and roosting sites for various bird species.

    It is hoped…

  • Weekly Sightings at RSPB Dungeness (26/10 - 2/11)

    Here is a weekly sightings list of all the wildlife spotted at Dungeness reserve between 26/10-2/11: 

    Birds of Prey 
    • Hobby 
    • Buzzard
    • Marsh Harrier 
    • Sparrowhawk 
    • Kestral
    • Merlin 
    • Peregrine Falcon 
    • Long-tailed duck 
    • Pintail 
    • Teal 
    • Wigeon
    • Goldeneye
    • Shoveller
    • Tufted 
    • Egyptian geese
    • Great - Crested Grebes
    • Little Grebes  
    • Grey Herons
    • Cattle Egrets 
    • Great White Egrets
    • Little Egrets 
    • Bittern 
    • Glossy Ibis 
  • The Changing Light - Autumnal Wildlife Poem

    It registers in all the senses, the change within the days.

    The hedgerows ripening through equinox, the yellowing of leaves,

    give notice of the sun’s waning.

    Trees will dispense with foliage and put their faith in their roots.


    Living things forage, with increased intensity, in the reserves of the soil or the moon-pulled tides.

    Forests are dusted with the spore-burst of toadstools. Among epigeous bodies

    newly arrived…

  • Reserve Update September 2022


    We are delighted to say that we have completed both island creation projects this summer. This means we now have 57 islands on the reserve for wildlife to use and for us to enjoy watching. These are all at varying heights to account for water level change, but we are confident they will deliver for wildlife, and we already know that the islands on ARC are a real hotspot for birds and they will be for longer periods…

  • RSPB Dungeness - August 2022 - Update

    Reserve Updates

    With the end of the breeding season now upon us the team have been incredibly busy with a variety of vegetation management tasks such as clearing reed and other annual vegetation from in front of Hanson hide and the Viewing Screen. These new views have been very well received with incredible views of a variety of waders from glossy ibis to wood sandpiper, little stint, curlew sandpiper and even a juvenile…

  • Island Creation on Burrowes Pit, RSPB Dungeness



    Whilst evaluating the feedback from the consultation on the replacement of Makepeace Hide, it has raised the importance of improving the provision of having shallow feeding habitats in front of the hide. Initially this wasn’t considered as a possibility in the hide replacement project as it was thought to be outside of its remit. However, after many discussions, some of the plans have changed.

    We strongly believe…

  • Work on ARC islands to start this month

    The islands in front of Hanson hide, ARC have long been a draw for visitors in the autumn months as they form an important feeding ground for passage waders. Aside from very dry years like this year, the islands haven't been exposed for long, if at all, given that the reserve sits on a ground water aquifer and we have no control on water levels so we are at the mercy of the elements. The table below shows the water level…

  • Grassland Management Season Starts Soon

    Summer is well and truly upon us and the breeding season for many of our bird species is approaching the end for the year, which means its time to start field operations within these fields to keep them in great condition for breeding, passage and overwintering wildfowl and waders. 

    In early spring we keep and maintain high water levels within the fields as this is what our waders are looking for, as eggs start to hatch…

  • Missing Terns

    Any recent visitor to Dungeness will have noted the absence of common terns on Burrowes Pit and all around the reserve this year. This is very disappointing after several good years in a row for breeding terns until last year, so we have done a little digging into what may have happened.

    Dungeness is not alone in this situation, Wallasea Island are reporting far fewer numbers of terns after years of increase like Dungeness…

  • Reserve Updates - February 2022

    Reserve Updates

    Another month has flown by with lots of work still happening out on the reserve. The sea buckthorn removal has been completed and it is noticeable how well this work is going with much less regrowth than feared.

    This has now been added into the big piles from last winters work to be got rid of in the spring/summer. This work will benefit rare plants such as Jersey cudweed and the Warne’s Thread Moss…

  • Monthly Sightings - February 2022

    Monthly Sightings

    The poor weather this month has really impacted sightings on the reserve this month. Being closed for a few days didn’t help but the poor birds spent a lot of the month hunkered down to stay safe from the horrendous winds we have had!

    However, we have had the following seen on the reserve in February and things are only going to get busier with spring well and truly on its way!!

    The red-headed …

  • Volunteering Opportunities and Events 2022 are LIVE!!

    Events 2022

    We are so excited to finally be able to run events again here at RSPB Dungeness. There is now quite the selection of events live on our website. They are as follows:

    Beginner Bird Identification Workshops and Guided Walks led by John Young and Paul Trodd.

    Learn to tell your blackbirds from your blue tits and your house sparrows from your starlings! Join us on a guided walk around RSPB Dungeness reserve afterwards…

  • RSPB Dungeness Reserve Updates - January 2022

    January has been an incredible start to 2022 for the reserve team with lots of work happening all over the reserve. Excitingly the final piece of decking has now been installed on the Willow Trail Boardwalk after months of gruelling work by the reserve team volunteers. Although this is a major milestone and moment of celebration for the team, there is still a lot of work to be done before we can re-open the area to the…

  • January Sightings

    Hello! Firstly, we would like to apologise for the lack of blog updates recently. We plan to kick off the new year with a sightings update from January to give you a taste of what's about here at Dungeness.

    This month we have had quite a few special sightings.

    We started the new year with an absolute highlight. After having no smew on the reserve last year we finally had a red-headed smew spotted in ARC pit which has…

  • RSPB Dungeness Wrapped 2021

    As we end another challenging year at Dungeness with plenty of change and lots coming up in 2022, we thought that this would be an ideal opportunity to update you on some of our exciting plans going forward. If you have any questions, please do speak to the Welcome Team on your next visit – we are always happy to have a chat!

    We have received lots of positive comments about the reserve, the Lookouts, the targeted…

  • Celebrate your inner Robin on our adventure trail this Christmas!

    Credit Aardman/Netflix.  

    We’re delighted to be partnering with Netflix and Aardman on Robin Robin, a half-hour, stop-motion, festive story for the whole family, about a young robin trying to fit in. It’s debuting on Netflix on 24 November – get the date in your diary! 

    To celebrate, we’re inviting you to join exclusive Robin Robin-themed adventure trails right here at RSPB Dungeness nature reserve this Christmas…

  • Recent sightings at Dungeness

    This week, we've had some nice dry weather on the reserve, although windy and a little colder at times. It's brought out a lot of insect species, with sightings of emperor dragonflies and a range of butterflies, from common blue, to small coppers to peacock, red admiral and painted ladies.

    Small copper butterfly - Dave Clarke

    Recent bumblebee surveys showed good numbers of brown banded carder bees, buff tailed…

  • Updates from Dungeness

    The last couple of years have certainly been strange, and everyone is still trying to figure out what the new ‘normal’ might look like. There has been constant change over the last couple of years, interspersed with three national lockdowns. No one could have predicted that!

    Despite the national lockdowns and all of the disruption brought about by COVID, the RSPB Dungeness team have been hard at work improving…